University of Ibadan: VC extols outgoing Registrar, Faluyi


The Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan (UI), Prof. Kayode Adebowale, has described Mrs Olubunmi Faluyi, the outgoing Registrar of the university, as an astute administrator and a leader par excellence.

Adebowale spoke at the send-off ceremony for the outgoing Registrar and inauguration of the incoming Registrar, Mr Ganiyu Saliu, held at the Trenchard Hall of the university.

The vice-chancellor, represented by Prof. Ezekiel Ayoola, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), also described her as, “an effective manager of human and material resources”.

Adebowale said that Faluyi’s journey to the pinnacle of her career was characterised by hard work, readiness to learn and commitment.

According to him, Faluyi displays loyalty to the system, a deep knowledge of the traditions and culture of the university, as well as the desire to do the right thing and stand by the truth always.

The programme also witnessed goodwill messages from Faluyi’s colleagues, who sang her praises, in particular, her intellectual capacity and repository of knowledge and administrative records.

There was also showers of encomium on her good work as the university”s 12th Registrar, as bowed out of office at the end of a five-year tenure.

The ceremony, also featured the symbolic handing over of the baton of leadership of the institution’s Registry to the new Registrar, Saliu.

In his remarks, Saliu promised to uphold the traditions of the university and to take the Registry and the institution to higher heights.

He solicited for the supports and cooperation of all staff of the university toward achieving a successful tenure.

Saliu added that he would not betray the confidence reposed in him.

Faluyi’s tenure would end on April 10, while Saliu is expected to assume duties on April 11 following approval by the Governing Council as the 13th Registrar for a five-year tenure.